--- /dev/null
+CFLAGS=-m32 -Os -std=c99 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -Wall -DX86_ASM \
+ $(shell sdl-config --cflags) -fno-strict-aliasing #-DDEBUG
+LDFLAGS=-m32 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ldl -lpthread -lm
+all: main
+ ./pack.sh main
+main: main.o dl_init.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
+ ls -l main
+synth.o: synth.c synth.h
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+main.o: main.c play.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+dl_init.o: dl_init.c dl_init.h
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ #nasm -O9 -f elf -o $@ $<
+ rm -f *.o main intro intro.gz *~
+.PHONY: clean
--- /dev/null
+#include "dl_init.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+char *names="libSDL-1.2.so.0\0SDL_Init\0SDL_Quit\0SDL_OpenAudio\0"
+ "SDL_PauseAudio\0SDL_SetVideoMode\0SDL_PollEvent\0"
+ "SDL_GL_SetAttribute\0SDL_GL_SwapBuffers\0SDL_GetTicks\0"
+ "SDL_ShowCursor\0"
+ "libm.so\0powf\0fmodf\0"//expf\0"
+ "libc.so.6\0rand\0srand\0time\0"
+ "libGL.so\0glBegin\0glEnd\0glColor4f\0glVertex3fv\0glRotatef\0"
+ "glEnable\0glMatrixMode\0glLoadIdentity\0glClear\0"
+ "glBlendFunc\0glTranslatef\0glPushMatrix\0glPopMatrix\0glRectf\0"
+ "glClearColor\0glXUseXFont\0glRasterPos2f\0glCallLists\0"
+ "libGLU.so\0gluPerspective\0gluLookAt\0"
+ "libX11.so\0XOpenDisplay\0XLoadQueryFont\0"
+ "\0";
+void dl_init(void)
+ char *p=names;
+ void **pfn=(void **)&fn;
+ void *handle, *tmp;
+ while(*p)
+ {
+ tmp = dlopen(p, RTLD_LAZY);
+ if (tmp == NULL)
+ {
+ *pfn=dlsym(handle, p);
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ __builtin_printf("%s = %p\n", p, *pfn);
+ #endif
+ ++pfn;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ handle=tmp;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ __builtin_printf("%s = %p\n", p, handle);
+ #endif
+ }
+ while(*p++); // Avanzamos p hasta la siguiente
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef DL_INIT_H
+#define DL_INIT_H
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
+typedef struct
+ // libSDL
+ int (*SDL_Init)(Uint32);
+ void (*SDL_Quit)(void);
+ int (*SDL_OpenAudio)(SDL_AudioSpec*, SDL_AudioSpec*);
+ //void (*SDL_CloseAudio)(void);
+ void (*SDL_PauseAudio)(int);
+ SDL_Surface *(*SDL_SetVideoMode)(int, int, int, Uint32);
+ int (*SDL_PollEvent)(SDL_Event*);
+ int (*SDL_GL_SetAttribute)(SDL_GLattr, int);
+ void (*SDL_GL_SwapBuffers)(void);
+ Uint32 (*SDL_GetTicks)();
+ int (*SDL_ShowCursor)(int);
+ // libm
+ float (*powf)(float, float);
+ float (*fmodf)(float, float);
+ //float (*expf)(float);
+ // libc
+ int (*rand)(void);
+ void (*srand)(unsigned int);
+ time_t (*time)(time_t*);
+ // libGL
+ void (*glBegin)(GLenum);
+ void (*glEnd)(void);
+ void (*glColor4f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ //void (*glVertex3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ void (*glVertex3fv)(const GLfloat*);
+ void (*glRotatef)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ void (*glEnable)(GLenum);
+ //void (*glDisable)(GLenum);
+ void (*glMatrixMode)(GLenum);
+ void (*glLoadIdentity)(void);
+ void (*glClear)(GLbitfield);
+ //void (*glScalef)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ void (*glBlendFunc)(GLenum, GLenum);
+ void (*glTranslatef)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ //void (*glNormal3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ //void (*glTexGeni)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint);
+ //void (*glGetFloatv)(GLenum, GLfloat *);
+ void (*glPushMatrix)(void);
+ void (*glPopMatrix)(void);
+ //void (*glTexCoord2f)(GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ //void (*glBindTexture)(GLenum, GLuint);
+ //void (*glGenTextures)(GLsizei, GLuint *);
+ void (*glRectf)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ void (*glClearColor)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ void (*glXUseXFont)(Font, int, int, int);
+ void (*glRasterPos2f)(GLfloat, GLfloat);
+ void (*glCallLists)(GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *);
+ // libGLU
+ void (*gluPerspective)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble);
+ void (*gluLookAt)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble,
+ GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble,
+ GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble);
+ //GLint (*gluBuild2DMipmaps)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei,
+ // GLenum, GLenum, const void *);
+ // libX11.so
+ Display* (*XOpenDisplay)(int);
+ XFontStruct* (*XLoadQueryFont)(Display*, char *);
+extern void dl_init(void);
+extern FN_STRUCT fn;
--- /dev/null
+# floatfucker.py by slack/Necrostudios
+# it now rounds instead of truncating (thanks iq :)
+import re
+import sys
+from struct import pack, unpack
+def trunc_float(f):
+ return unpack("f",pack("I", (unpack("I",pack("f",f))[0]+0x8000)&0xFFFF0000))[0]
+def repl_float(m):
+ s = m.group()
+ try:
+ f = float(s[:-1])
+ except:
+ print "ERROR ----> ", s
+ return s
+ f2 = trunc_float(f)
+ return str(f2)+"f"
+float_re = re.compile("(([+-]|)\d*\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)f", re.I)
+src = file(sys.argv[1]).read()
+dst = float_re.sub(repl_float, src)
--- /dev/null
+tail -n+7 $0|zcat>$a
+chmod +x $a
+rm $a
--- /dev/null
+#include <SDL.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "dl_init.h"
+//#define sin(x) __builtin_sinf(x)
+//#define cos(x) __builtin_cosf(x)
+//#define sqrt(x) __builtin_sqrtf(x)
+//#define expf(x) __builtin_expf(x)
+float current_t;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+int main()
+void __attribute__((externally_visible)) _start(void)
+ SDL_Event event;
+ dl_init();
+ fn.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER,1);
+ fn.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL,1);
+ fn.SDL_SetVideoMode(1280,960,32,SDL_OPENGL);
+ fn.SDL_ShowCursor(0);
+ while(1)
+ {
+ current_t = fn.SDL_GetTicks()/1000.0f;
+ while(fn.SDL_PollEvent(&event))
+ {
+ if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
+ goto end;
+ }
+ fn.SDL_GL_SwapBuffers();
+ }
+ fn.SDL_Quit();
+#if 1
+ __asm__("xorl %eax, %eax\n\t"
+ "incl %eax\n\t"
+ "int $0x80\n\t");
+ exit(0);
--- /dev/null
+./sstrip $1
+#cp gz-stub intro
+#gzip -c9 $1 >> intro
+7z a -tGZIP -mx=9 -mfb=64 intro.gz $1
+cat gz-stub intro.gz > intro
+chmod +x intro
+ls -l intro
--- /dev/null
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "dl_init.h"
+#include "synth.h"
+#include "play.h"
+#include "song.h"
+#define msin(x) __builtin_sinf(x)
+#define mcos(x) __builtin_cosf(x)
+#define mfmodf(x,y) fn.fmodf(x,y)
+#ifdef OUTFILE
+#include <stdio.h>
+FILE *fout;
+#define NUM_VOICES 64
+float mix_buf[BUFFER_SIZE]={0};
+unsigned int last_voice_used=0;
+int buf_start;
+float current_time=0;
+int rhythm_offset;
+float global_vol=1.0f;
+int music_ticks=-1;
+float cam_rotation, cam_rotation0, cam_rot_x, cam_rot_y, cam_rot_z;
+float tri_z_spread=8.0f;
+int negative_bars=0;
+enum params{
+ FOV=0,
+typedef struct
+ float x, y, z, w, x1, y1, z1, w1, x0, y0, z0, w0, scale, offset, trans_start, trans_end;
+} Param;
+Param params[NUM_PARAMS];
+extern void update_params();
+void change_param(int which)
+ if (which < 0)
+ which = rand_4k()%NUM_PARAMS;
+ params[which].x0 = params[which].x;
+ params[which].y0 = params[which].y;
+ params[which].z0 = params[which].z;
+ params[which].x1 = sfrand() * params[which].scale + params[which].offset;
+ params[which].y1 = sfrand() * params[which].scale + params[which].offset;
+ params[which].z1 = sfrand() * params[which].scale + params[which].offset;
+ params[which].trans_start = current_time;
+ params[which].trans_end = current_time + sfrand()*2.0f+2.0f; // entre 1 y 5
+static void note_on(int note, float vol, int instrument)
+ if (rand()%10)
+ {
+ int j = last_voice_used + NUM_RHYTHM_CHANNELS;
+ last_voice_used = (last_voice_used + 1) % NUM_VOICES;
+ voices[j].pitch = 440.0f*detune(note-45,0);
+ voices[j].pos = buf_start;
+ voices[j].ins = instrument;
+ voices[j].vol = global_vol*0.19921875f*vol;
+ voices[j].active = 1;
+ }
+enum chords_enum {
+ MAJOR=0,
+enum scales_enum {
+int chords[4*NUM_CHORDS] = {
+ 0,4,7,-1,
+ 0,3,7,-1,
+ 0,4,7,11,
+ 0,3,7,11,
+int scales[7*NUM_SCALES] = {
+ 0,2,4,5,7,9,11,
+ 0,2,3,5,7,8,10,
+static void chord_on(int base, int type, float vol, int instrument)
+ note_on(base+chords[4*type], vol, instrument);
+ note_on(base+chords[4*type+1], vol, instrument);
+ note_on(base+chords[4*type+2], vol, instrument);
+ if (chords[4*type+3] >= 0)
+ note_on(base+chords[4*type+3], vol, instrument);
+int current_chord_base, current_chord_type;
+int bass_arpeggio[3]={0,1,2};
+// Main audio callback
+static void play(Song *s, Uint8 *stream, int len)
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int num_samples=len>>1;
+ float tmp;
+ Sint16 *buf=(Sint16 *)stream;
+ current_time += num_samples/SAMPLE_RATE;
+#ifdef X86_ASM
+ __asm__("rep; stosl;"::"a"(0), "c"(BUFFER_SIZE), "D"(mix_buf));
+ __builtin_memset(mix_buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE*sizeof(float));
+ if ((current_time - music_ticks * ROW_DURATION) > ROW_DURATION )
+ {
+ ++music_ticks;
+ buf_start = ((current_time - music_ticks * ROW_DURATION)*SAMPLE_RATE)-num_samples;
+ // Cambio de acorde cada 4 compases
+ if (music_ticks%32 == 0)
+ {
+ current_chord_base=rand()%12+16;
+ current_chord_type=rand()%2;
+ change_param(-1);
+ }
+ if (music_ticks%8 == 0)
+ {
+ int i1=rand()%3;
+ int i2=rand()%3;
+ int tmp = bass_arpeggio[i1];
+ bass_arpeggio[i1] = bass_arpeggio[i2];
+ bass_arpeggio[i2] = tmp;
+ if (--negative_bars < 0)
+ {
+ negative_bars = rand_4k()%32+8;
+ params[NEGATIVE].x0 = params[NEGATIVE].x1;
+ if (params[NEGATIVE].x1 == 0.0f)
+ params[NEGATIVE].x1=1.0f;
+ else
+ params[NEGATIVE].x1=0.0f;
+ params[NEGATIVE].trans_start = current_time;
+ params[NEGATIVE].trans_end = current_time + 2.0f; // entre 1 y 5
+ }
+ }
+ if (music_ticks%16 == 0)
+ chord_on(current_chord_base, current_chord_type, 0.2f, 1);
+ if (music_ticks%2 == 0)
+ {
+ float vol = 1.0f-((music_ticks%8)/8.0f);
+ chord_on(current_chord_base, current_chord_type, vol, 3);
+ }
+ if (music_ticks%2 == 0)
+ {
+ note_on(current_chord_base+12+chords[4*current_chord_type+rand()%3], 1.0f, 4);
+ note_on(current_chord_base-12+chords[4*current_chord_type+bass_arpeggio[(music_ticks%6)/2]], 1.0f,2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (rand() % 2 == 0)
+ note_on(current_chord_base+12+scales[4*current_chord_type%2+rand()%7], 0.5f, 4);
+ if (rand() % 4 == 0)
+ note_on(current_chord_base-12+scales[4*current_chord_type%2+(music_ticks%6)], 0.5f,2);
+ }
+ }
+ // Ahora vamos sintetizando las voces
+ for (i=0; i < NUM_VOICES + NUM_RHYTHM_CHANNELS; ++i)
+ {
+ if (voices[i].active)
+ {
+ voices[i].active=synth(&voices[i], num_samples, mix_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ // convertimos a Sint16
+ for (i=0; i<num_samples; ++i)
+ {
+ tmp = mix_buf[i];
+ if (tmp>1.0f) tmp=1.0f;
+ else if(tmp<-1.0f) tmp=-1.0f;
+ buf[i]=(Sint16)(tmp*32640.0f);
+ }
+#ifdef OUTFILE
+ fwrite(buf, sizeof(Sint16), num_samples, fout);
+SDL_AudioSpec desired={44100,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ (void (*)(void *, Uint8 *, int)) play,
+ 0};
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _TRACK_H_
+#define _TRACK_H_
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "synth.h"
+#define NUM_PATTERNS 300
+#define NUM_ENVELOPES 4
+#define NUM_INSTRUMENTS 300
+#define NUM_CHANNELS 50
+#define TRACK_LENGTH 16
+//#define OUTFILE "salida.raw"
+typedef struct _Song
+ //float row_duration; // in seconds
+ Envelope envelopes[NUM_ENVELOPES];
+ Instrument insts[NUM_INSTRUMENTS];
+} Song;
+#define sfrand() (2.0f*whitenoise()-1.0f)
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef SONG_H\r
+#define SONG_H\r
+#define ROW_DURATION 0.27\r
+Song song={\r
+ //Envelopes\r
+ {\r
+ {0,0,0,0,0}, // env nr 0 = special case (no envelope)\r
+ {20,120,40,200,20},\r
+ {0,5,30,30,0},\r
+ {0,20,15,30,0},\r
+ },\r
+ // Instruments\r
+ {\r
+ // Ins 0 (bass drum)\r
+ {\r
+ 0.0f, // cutoff\r
+ 0.0f, // lfo_amp\r
+ 0, // lfo_freq\r
+ 0, // res\r
+ 0,0,\r
+ 0,0, // detune\r
+ 0,0,\r
+ 0,\r
+ 0, 0,\r
+ }, \r
+ // Ins 1 (hihat)\r
+ {\r
+ -4000.0f,\r
+ 500.0f,\r
+ 5,\r
+ 100,\r
+ 24,1,\r
+ 36,-1,\r
+ 70,80,\r
+ 0,\r
+ 1,0,\r
+ },\r
+ // Ins 2 (bass)\r
+ {\r
+ 700.0f, // cutoff\r
+ -400.0f, // lfo_amp\r
+ -1, // lfo_freq\r
+ 15, // res\r
+ 12,1,\r
+ 12,0, // detune\r
+ 70,70, // vols\r
+ 10, //noise\r
+ 2, 0,\r
+ }, \r
+ // Ins 3 ("sin" con attack)\r
+ {\r
+ 800.0f, // cutoff\r
+ 300.0f, // lfo_amp\r
+ 2, // lfo_freq\r
+ 30, // res\r
+ 12,1,\r
+ 12,0, // detune\r
+ 40,60, // vols\r
+ 0, //noise\r
+ 3, 0,\r
+ }, \r
+ // Ins 4 (lead)\r
+ {\r
+ 1848.0f, // cutoff\r
+ 500.0f, // lfo_amp\r
+ 80, // lfo_freq\r
+ 15, // res\r
+ 24,1,\r
+ 12,0, // detune\r
+ 40,50, // vols\r
+ 0, //noise\r
+ 2, 0,\r
+ }, \r
+ },\r
--- /dev/null
+/* sstrip, version 2.0: Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by Brian Raiter, under the
+ * GNU General Public License. No warranty. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+/* #include "config_xor.h" */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if !defined(__ia64) && !defined(__ia64__) && !defined(__itanium__) && \
+ !defined(__alpha) && !defined(__alpha__) && \
+ (defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)) && \
+ (defined(__i386__) || defined(__i386) || defined(i386))
+/* || defined(__sun) || defined(__sun__) || defined(sun) */
+#if defined(__linux__)
+#include <linux/elf.h>
+#include <elf.h>
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define Elf_Ehdr Elf32_Ehdr
+#define Elf_Phdr Elf32_Phdr
+#define Elf_Ehdr Elf64_Ehdr
+#define Elf_Phdr Elf64_Phdr
+/* The name of the program.
+ */
+static char const *progname;
+/* The name of the current file.
+ */
+static char const *filename;
+/* A simple error-handling function. FALSE is always returned for the
+ * convenience of the caller.
+ */
+static int err(char const *errmsg)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname, filename, errmsg);
+ return FALSE;
+/* A macro for I/O errors: The given error message is used only when
+ * errno is not set.
+ */
+#define ferr(msg) (err(errno ? strerror(errno) : (msg)))
+/* readelfheader() reads the ELF header into our global variable, and
+ * checks to make sure that this is in fact a file that we should be
+ * munging.
+ */
+static int readelfheader(int fd, Elf_Ehdr *ehdr)
+ errno = 0;
+ if (read(fd, ehdr, sizeof *ehdr) != sizeof *ehdr)
+ return ferr("missing or incomplete ELF header.");
+ /* Check the ELF signature.
+ */
+ if (!(ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG0] == ELFMAG0 &&
+ ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] == ELFMAG1 &&
+ ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] == ELFMAG2 &&
+ ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG3] == ELFMAG3))
+ return err("missing ELF signature.");
+ /* Compare the file's class and endianness with the program's.
+ */
+ if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELF_DATA)
+ return err("ELF file has different endianness.");
+ if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELF_CLASS)
+ return err("ELF file has different word size.");
+ /* Check the target architecture.
+ */
+ if (ehdr->e_machine != ELF_ARCH)
+ return err("ELF file created for different architecture.");
+ /* Verify the sizes of the ELF header and the program segment
+ * header table entries.
+ */
+ if (ehdr->e_ehsize != sizeof(Elf_Ehdr))
+ return err("unrecognized ELF header size.");
+ if (ehdr->e_phentsize != sizeof(Elf_Phdr))
+ return err("unrecognized program segment header size.");
+ /* Finally, check the file type.
+ */
+ if (ehdr->e_type != ET_EXEC && ehdr->e_type != ET_DYN)
+ return err("not an executable or shared-object library.");
+ return TRUE;
+/* readphdrtable() loads the program segment header table into memory.
+ */
+static int readphdrtable(int fd, Elf_Ehdr const *ehdr, Elf_Phdr **phdrs)
+ size_t size;
+ if (!ehdr->e_phoff || !ehdr->e_phnum)
+ return err("ELF file has no program header table.");
+ size = ehdr->e_phnum * sizeof **phdrs;
+ if (!(*phdrs = malloc(size)))
+ return err("Out of memory!");
+ errno = 0;
+ if (read(fd, *phdrs, size) != (ssize_t)size)
+ return ferr("missing or incomplete program segment header table.");
+ return TRUE;
+/* getmemorysize() determines the offset of the last byte of the file
+ * that is referenced by an entry in the program segment header table.
+ * (Anything in the file after that point is not used when the program
+ * is executing, and thus can be safely discarded.)
+ */
+static int getmemorysize(Elf_Ehdr const *ehdr, Elf_Phdr const *phdrs,
+ unsigned long *newsize)
+ Elf_Phdr const *phdr;
+ unsigned long size, n;
+ int i;
+ /* Start by setting the size to include the ELF header and the
+ * complete program segment header table.
+ */
+ size = ehdr->e_phoff + ehdr->e_phnum * sizeof *phdrs;
+ if (size < sizeof *ehdr)
+ size = sizeof *ehdr;
+ /* Then keep extending the size to include whatever data the
+ * program segment header table references.
+ */
+ for (i = 0, phdr = phdrs ; i < ehdr->e_phnum ; ++i, ++phdr) {
+ if (phdr->p_type != PT_NULL) {
+ n = phdr->p_offset + phdr->p_filesz;
+ if (n > size)
+ size = n;
+ }
+ }
+ *newsize = size;
+ return TRUE;
+/* truncatezeros() examines the bytes at the end of the file's
+ * size-to-be, and reduces the size to exclude any trailing zero
+ * bytes.
+ */
+static int truncatezeros(int fd, unsigned long *newsize)
+ unsigned char contents[1024];
+ unsigned long size, n;
+ size = *newsize;
+ do {
+ n = sizeof contents;
+ if (n > size)
+ n = size;
+ if (lseek(fd, size - n, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
+ return ferr("cannot seek in file.");
+ if (read(fd, contents, n) != (ssize_t)n)
+ return ferr("cannot read file contents");
+ while (n && !contents[--n])
+ --size;
+ } while (size && !n);
+ /* Sanity check.
+ */
+ if (!size)
+ return err("ELF file is completely blank!");
+ *newsize = size;
+ return TRUE;
+/* modifyheaders() removes references to the section header table if
+ * it was stripped, and reduces program header table entries that
+ * included truncated bytes at the end of the file.
+ */
+static int modifyheaders(Elf_Ehdr *ehdr, Elf_Phdr *phdrs,
+ unsigned long newsize)
+ Elf_Phdr *phdr;
+ int i;
+ /* If the section header table is gone, then remove all references
+ * to it in the ELF header.
+ */
+ if (ehdr->e_shoff >= newsize) {
+ ehdr->e_shoff = 0;
+ ehdr->e_shnum = 0;
+ ehdr->e_shentsize = 0;
+ ehdr->e_shstrndx = 0;
+ }
+ /* The program adjusts the file size of any segment that was
+ * truncated. The case of a segment being completely stripped out
+ * is handled separately.
+ */
+ for (i = 0, phdr = phdrs ; i < ehdr->e_phnum ; ++i, ++phdr) {
+ if (phdr->p_offset >= newsize) {
+ phdr->p_offset = newsize;
+ phdr->p_filesz = 0;
+ } else if (phdr->p_offset + phdr->p_filesz > newsize) {
+ phdr->p_filesz = newsize - phdr->p_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* commitchanges() writes the new headers back to the original file
+ * and sets the file to its new size.
+ */
+static int commitchanges(int fd, Elf_Ehdr const *ehdr, Elf_Phdr *phdrs,
+ unsigned long newsize)
+ size_t n;
+ /* Save the changes to the ELF header, if any.
+ */
+ if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
+ return ferr("could not rewind file");
+ errno = 0;
+ if (write(fd, ehdr, sizeof *ehdr) != sizeof *ehdr)
+ return err("could not modify file");
+ /* Save the changes to the program segment header table, if any.
+ */
+ if (lseek(fd, ehdr->e_phoff, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) {
+ err("could not seek in file.");
+ goto warning;
+ }
+ n = ehdr->e_phnum * sizeof *phdrs;
+ if (write(fd, phdrs, n) != (ssize_t)n) {
+ err("could not write to file");
+ goto warning;
+ }
+ /* Eleventh-hour sanity check: don't truncate before the end of
+ * the program segment header table.
+ */
+ if (newsize < ehdr->e_phoff + n)
+ newsize = ehdr->e_phoff + n;
+ /* Chop off the end of the file.
+ */
+ if (ftruncate(fd, newsize)) {
+ err("could not resize file");
+ goto warning;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ warning:
+ return err("ELF file may have been corrupted!");
+/* main() loops over the cmdline arguments, leaving all the real work
+ * to the other functions.
+ */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int fd;
+ Elf_Ehdr ehdr;
+ Elf_Phdr *phdrs;
+ unsigned long newsize;
+ char **arg;
+ int failures = 0;
+ if (argc < 2 || argv[1][0] == '-') {
+ printf("Usage: sstrip FILE...\n"
+ "sstrip discards all nonessential bytes from an executable.\n\n"
+ "Version 2.0 Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Brian Raiter.\n"
+ "This program is free software, licensed under the GNU\n"
+ "General Public License. There is absolutely no warranty.\n");
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ progname = argv[0];
+ for (arg = argv + 1 ; *arg != NULL ; ++arg) {
+ filename = *arg;
+ fd = open(*arg, O_RDWR);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ ferr("can't open");
+ ++failures;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(readelfheader(fd, &ehdr) &&
+ readphdrtable(fd, &ehdr, &phdrs) &&
+ getmemorysize(&ehdr, phdrs, &newsize) &&
+ truncatezeros(fd, &newsize) &&
+ modifyheaders(&ehdr, phdrs, newsize) &&
+ commitchanges(fd, &ehdr, phdrs, newsize)))
+ ++failures;
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ return failures ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
+int main()
+ return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
--- /dev/null
+#include "synth.h"
+#include "play.h"
+#include "dl_init.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define msin(x) __builtin_sinf(x)
+#define mcos(x) __builtin_cosf(x)
+#define mfmodf(x,y) fn.fmodf(x,y)
+extern float current_time;
+extern Song song;
+float mtan(float x)
+ float sin_x, cos_x;
+ #ifdef X86_ASM
+ __asm__("fsincos" : "=t" (cos_x), "=u" (sin_x) : "0" (x));
+ #else
+ sin_x=msin(x);
+ cos_x=mcos(x);
+ #endif
+ return sin_x/cos_x;
+//#define SYNTH_HACKS
+// Evaluates the envelope e at position pos
+// Lineal interpolation
+float getADSR(Envelope *e, float pos)
+ float p=pos*100.0f;
+ float A=e->A;
+ if (p < 0)
+ return 9.96589660645e-05f;
+ if (p < A)
+ return (p/A)+9.96589660645e-05f;
+ p -= A;
+ float D=e->D;
+ float S=e->S*0.00994873046875f;
+ if (p <= D)
+ return (1.0f-(p * (1.0f - S)) / D);
+ p -= D;
+ float sustain_time=e->sustain_time;
+ if (p <= sustain_time)
+ return S;
+ p -= sustain_time;
+ float R=e->R;
+#ifndef SYNTH_HACKS
+ if (p < R)
+ return S - S * (p/R);
+ return 0.0f;
+ return S - S * (p/R);
+float detune(int coarse, int fine)
+ return fn.powf(2.0f, (coarse+(fine/100.0f))/12.0f);
+int synth(Voice *v, int len, float *mix_buf)
+ Instrument *ins=&song.insts[v->ins];
+ //float pitch_sine = v->pitch * ins->sine_detune;
+ float pitch_square= v->pitch * detune(ins->square_detune_coarse, ins->square_detune_fine);
+ float pitch_saw = v->pitch * detune(ins->saw_detune_coarse, ins->saw_detune_fine);
+ float pitch_env, vol, res, t;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
+ {
+ t=(v->pos+i)*invSAMPLE_RATE;
+ v->cur_vol = vol = getADSR(&song.envelopes[ins->vol_envelope], t);
+ if(ins->pitch_envelope)
+ pitch_env = getADSR(&song.envelopes[ins->pitch_envelope], t);
+ else
+ pitch_env = 1.0f;
+ // Calc. and mix the oscillators
+ // Noise
+ res = 0.00994873046875f*ins->noise_vol*(2.0f*whitenoise()-1.0f) ;
+ // Sine
+ //res += ins->sine_vol * msin(DOSPI*pitch_sine*pitch_env*t);
+ // Square
+ float sqvol=ins->square_vol*0.00994873046875f;
+ if (mfmodf(t, 1.0f/(pitch_square*pitch_env)) > (0.5f/(pitch_square*pitch_env)))
+ res += sqvol;
+ else
+ res -= sqvol;
+ // Sine
+ //float sqvol=ins->square_vol*0.00994873046875f;
+ //res += sqvol * msin(DOSPI*pitch_square*pitch_env*t);
+ // Saw
+ res += 0.00994873046875f*ins->saw_vol * 2.0f*__builtin_fabsf((mfmodf(t*pitch_saw*pitch_env, 2.0f) - 1.0f))-1.0f;
+ // Apply the ADSR
+ res *= vol;
+ // Calculamos el valor del cutoff aplicando LFO
+ // TODO: Comprobar si vale la pena eliminar este if
+ float cutoff, lfo_freq;
+ if (ins->lfo_freq < 0)
+ {
+ lfo_freq=-ins->lfo_freq;
+ t=current_time;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lfo_freq=ins->lfo_freq;
+ }
+ lfo_freq *= 0.099609375f;
+ cutoff= ins->cutoff + ins->lfo_amp * mcos(DOSPI * lfo_freq * t);
+ // TODO: Cambiar el factor de la resonancia para
+ // ajustar el rango a valores mas utiles.
+ // ahora mismo va de 0.0 a 2.55 con incrementos de 0.01 y
+ // no parece que > 1.5 sea util
+ t = ins->resonance*0.00994873046875f;
+ // Filter coefficients
+ float c, c2,a1,a2,b1,b2;
+ // This is common to high-pass and low-pass
+ float param_tan = PI_samplerate * cutoff;
+ if (cutoff > 0.0f) // Low-pass
+ {
+ c=1.0f / mtan(param_tan);
+ c2 = c*c;
+ a1 = 1.0f / ( 1.0f + t*c + c2);
+ a2 = 2.0f * a1;
+ b1 = 2.0f * ( 1.0f - c2) * a1;
+ }
+ else // High-pass
+ {
+ c = mtan(-param_tan);
+ c2 = c*c;
+ a1 = 1.0f / ( 1.0f + t*c + c2);
+ a2 = -2.0f * a1;
+ b1 = 2.0f * ( c2 - 1.0f) * a1;
+ }
+ b2 = ( 1.0f - t*c + c2) * a1;
+ v->yn[0] = a1*res + a2*v->xn[1] + a1*v->xn[2] -
+ b1*v->yn[1] - b2*v->yn[2];
+ v->xn[2]=v->xn[1];
+ v->xn[1]=res;
+ v->yn[2]=v->yn[1];
+ v->yn[1]=v->yn[0];
+ mix_buf[i] += v->yn[0] * v->vol;
+ }
+ v->pos+=len;
+ if (vol > 0.0f)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _SYNTH_H_
+#define _SYNTH_H_
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+#define SAMPLE_RATE 44032.0f
+#define invSAMPLE_RATE 2.26497650146e-05f
+#define FLOAT2INTCAST(x) (*((int*)(&x)))
+#define FLOAT2UINTCAST(x) (*((unsigned int*)(&x)))
+#define PI_X 0x40490FDB
+#define DOSPI_X 0x40C90FDB
+#define PI_2_X 0x3FC90FDB
+#define PI 3.140625f
+#define PI_samplerate 7.10487365723e-05f
+#define DOSPI 6.28125f
+#define DOSPI_samplerate 0.000142097473145f
+typedef unsigned char U8;
+typedef signed char S8;
+typedef struct _Envelope
+ U8 A, D, S, R; // In 1/100ths of a second except S which is vol*100
+ U8 sustain_time; // In 1/100ths of a second
+} Envelope;
+typedef struct _Instrument
+ // Filter
+ float cutoff; // >0 LP; <0 HP
+ float lfo_amp;
+ S8 lfo_freq;
+ U8 resonance; // in 1/100ths
+ S8 square_detune_coarse; // in tones
+ S8 square_detune_fine; // in cents
+ S8 saw_detune_coarse;
+ S8 saw_detune_fine;
+ U8 square_vol;
+ U8 saw_vol;
+ U8 noise_vol;
+ U8 vol_envelope;
+ U8 pitch_envelope;
+} Instrument;
+typedef struct _Voice
+ float pitch;
+ float vol;
+ float cur_vol;
+ float xn[3];
+ float yn[3];
+ int pos; // position in samples since the start
+ U8 ins;
+ U8 active; // { 0 ==> inactiva, (not 0) ==> activa }
+} Voice;
+extern int synth(Voice *c, int len, float *mix_buf);
+#define whitenoise() (fn.rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)
+#define rand_4k() (fn.rand())
+//extern float whitenoise();
+extern float detune(int coarse, int fine);